Hiring the Old Fitz Theatre
1) How do I submit a project to present at the Old Fitz Theatre?
The Old Fitz Theatre curates and programs its season annually, opening for submissions once per year around August.
The submission process allows artists to submit the projects they wish to present at the Fitz, and will require teams to answer the following:
Production title & name of playwright/s or creator/s
Whether you’re interested in Mainstage and/or Late Night programming
About the work
Name of Production Company and/or producer/s
Name of team members and if they’re confirmed/unconfirmed
Your availability for production
Please note that applications with a production company and/or producer attached are strongly favoured, as are works that are inclusive and diverse, respectfully engaging and representing underrepresented communities, and intersections of race, gender, age, ethnicity, and sexuality.
If you have questions about the submission process please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@oldfitztheatre.com.au.
2) Can I hire the space for a one-off performance or development?
As you will see here on our website, the Fitz is one of Sydney’s busiest and most activated performance spaces! Productions run Tuesday - Sunday, and we have both a Mainstage and Late Night program which means most weeks we have two shows/productions performing each night. In a standard month, we have three teams bumping in, which means that the space is in use all day and night for 53% of the month (7x 24 hour days for 1x Mainstage team, 4x 24 hour days for 2x Late Night team). Monday nights are our only dark periods, but because three Mondays in a month are typically taken up by bump-ins, we have very few opportunities for one-off evening events. Day-time events are more likely to be accommodated, but we do have to prioritise the needs of the programmed production teams. This said, we encourage people contact and have a conversation with us! We will help however we can.
3) Does the Old Fitz Theatre charge a venue hire fee and how many people does it seat?
The Old Fitz does not charge a venue hire fee, but rather operates on a box office split model, which means that producing companies recoup 65% of box office and the Fitz retains 35%.
The Old Fitz seats 55 patrons.